Moving from having a digital strategy, to making digital be the overall strategy.

Case Study: YHA

The Youth Hostel Association transforms young lives through travel and adventure. Their main audience is young people who expect to be able to engage with them on their phones, in a way that is natural for them. The Charity Digital Code of Practice has supported them to use digital to do what they already do, but better, faster and cheaper.


“It’s no longer good enough as a Chief Executive to say: ‘I don’t do digital’.”


James Blake

CEO, YHA (England and Wales) and Code Champion

The Challenge

YHA has been using digital tools at a departmental level for a while, in e-commerce as well as to engage with their supporters. Like many charities, they had previously focused their digital thinking on the nuts and bolts of websites and marketing. The challenge was to ensure that they didn’t miss the bigger opportunities presented by adopting digital at the heart of the organisation.

The Solution

YHA moved from just having a digital strategy to making digital be their overall strategy. Vitally, the move to digital is endorsed right from the top. Chief Executive James Blake said:

“It’s no longer good enough as a Chief Executive to say: ‘I don’t do digital’.”

The Charity Digital Code of Practice offered YHA a clear framework and guiding principles to have the permission and confidence to invest in digital across the organisation.


The Results

With strong leadership and investment in digital, YHA have changed the way they work. For example, they have developed an app that offers one-touch giving for their supporters and receptionless check-in for their hostel guests. By making digital a core part of their business planning and decision making, they are improving things now and in the future for their guests,their supporters and their partners.

Y Cod mewn 7 Wythnos

Os ydych chi eisiau helpu eich elusen i ddefnyddio technoleg ddigidol i gynyddu ei heffaith, i berswadio eich tîm arwain i gefnogi digidol neu i ddeall sut gall eich elusen ddilyn arferion gorau, beth am gofrestru i dderbyn e-bost unwaith yr wythnos dros y 7 wythnos nesaf i’ch helpu chi i ddechrau arni gyda’r Cod?


“Fel unrhyw sefydliad, gall elusennau ddysgu llawer am yr hyn maen nhw’n ei wneud, pwy maen nhw’n ei wasanaethu a’r effaith maen nhw’n ei chael drwy ddefnyddio eu data.”


Giselle Cory

Cyfarwyddwr Gweithredol, DataKind UK a Hyrwyddwr y Cod

“Nid yw bellach yn ddigon da dweud fel Prif Weithredwr:
‘Does gen i ddim diddordeb mewn pethau digidol’.”


James Blake

Prif Swyddog Gweithredol, YHA (Cymru a Lloegr) a Hyrwyddwr y Cod